Wang Yiyi, born in 1984, has a cross-disciplinary education and life experience in both the East and West. He has obtained bachelor’s and dual master’s degrees successively.
Currently, he is a senior expert in a multinational corporation. The professional books he contributed to have also been widely used.
According to his own account, "In the past nearly two decades, I have given myself and the organization a positive meaning as a social productive force. Naturally and deservedly, I have some experiences and gains, including thoughts." Based on his role as a contemporary artist, his role as a social productive force will not stop for the time being. Besides, there is no conflict between these two roles.
"If we were to compare each artist's artistic behavior or expression to a speech, the speech of Wang Yiyi does not abound in surging passion or display fervent mobilization.
Rather, it is as he himself is - speaking softly, emotionally balanced, deeply contemplative, and amiable. He always takes on the role of someone who listens attentively while narrating eloquently.
His artistic language is so consistently gentle that it can be easily overlooked, yet every retrospection is profound, like a "declaration" with light word but heavy meaning.
It was like a breeze that touched every willow leaf and made it sway along with the branches."
(About the artist)
Under the direction of the artist, Wang Yiyi© Studio and IS•A Gallery oversee the fabrication of original artworks, the coordination of public exhibitions, as well as the conception and production of related publications. The studio maintains its own archives of photographic, video, and printed documentation of artwork, artwork processes, and exhibitions from the earliest stages of Wang’s career to the present.
IS•A Gallery manages artwork sales and media relations on behalf of the artist and is the sole entity responsible for business matters relating to Wang Yiyi©’s work.
"As an artist,the first thing Wang Yiyi needs to do is to dissociate from his other socialidentities, then reorganize all his social experiences and awareness to createworks with unique connotations. What sets Wang Yiyi apart from many artists isthat he can participate deeply in social production and intense competitionfrom his personal experience and create so-called 'organizational values', which makes his works reach a complex and profound level of reality. His understanding and thinking about society all come from personal experience, not from weak and powerless imagination."
"Wang Yiyi never imposes limits on himself and refuses to label himself as an artist relying on aspecific medium, he can freely create works that stay true to his will andunique language in the vast creative space."
(published Work)

All forms and mediums are merely tools serving Wang Yiyi’s thoughts.
Through those systems, he takes viewersinto the conceptual realm referenced behind the work for free-thinking.
(about his artistic characteristics)
Dissociation and Reorganization of Social Roles
As an artist, the firstthing Wang Yiyi needs to do is to dissociate from his other social identities,then reorganize all his social experiences and awareness to create works withunique connotations. What sets Wang Yiyi apart from many artists is that he canparticipate deeply in social production and intense competition from hispersonal experience and create so-called “organizational values”, which makeshis works reach a complex and profound level of reality. His understanding andthinking about society all come from personal experience, not from weak andpowerless imagination.
Internalization and Externalization of the 'Present'
One of Wang Yiyi’s coreartistic views is the “natural internalization and subsequent externalizationof the present”. Even when choosing to immerse himself rather than hide withinthe masses, he has no real intention of altering multiple realities.
Profound Ambiguity between Human Nature and Materiality
In his pieces, any elementsthat appear related to humans tend not to be the 'protagonists'. The moreclosely associated an object in a work is with humans, the more alienated itsmeaning becomes from people.
Detachment Toward the Ultimate Destination
Wang Yiyi never imposeslimits on himself and refuses to label himself as an artist relying on aspecific medium, he can freely create works that stay true to his will andunique language in the vast creative space.
Stay updated with the latest news, collaborations, articles and insights. From new work to behind-the-scenes stories, this is where we share everything happening about the artist.
(Press release/Articles)
Wang Yiyi: Egg Protection Action
The egg protection action is no longer a kindergarten activity, but has become an unavoidable allergory of contemporary art.

Exhibition|Art Amoy International Art Fair, 2024
'Cautious language'

Wang Yiyi: The Present and Transcendence in the Ambiguity of Humanity and Materiality
What sets Wang Yiyi apart from many artists is that he can participate deeply in social production and intense competition from his personal experience and create so-called 'organizational values', which makes his works reach a complex and profound level of reality. His understanding and thinking about society all come from personal experience, not from weak and powerless imagination.